
Just so you can imagine me talking.. haha

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Hey guys! My name is Haley and I've decided to start a water fast. I want to do a 45-day water fast, but most likely I will stop on day 30 considering I like food! Haha. I figured I'd blog about my journey bc before I decided to do this fast, I read tons and tons of blogs on people's journeys and for those of you thinking about doing it as well, I imagine this will be helpful.
So enough rambling. It's day 1. I have done a whole heap of research so no one come at me with "Fasting is so unhealthy" blah blah what do you know you're only human JUST LIKE ME. 
So anyways... I'm doing this not only to lose weight, but for health issues as well. I have a mild case of asthma and I believe in pure healing, bc doesn't it seem like every time you go to the doctor and they diagnose you with something.. IT ONLY GETS WORSE? Well I feel that way so I want to see how this healing yourself thing goes. But I can't lie, I'm mostly doing this to lose weight.. I'm going to Florida with my boyfriend in July and I do not want those skinny hussies on the beach making me look bad. Haha. 
ANYWAYS, man can I talk....
I have a solid plan of how this is going to go and we will see if this works for me. 
  • Drink LOTS AND LOTS of water! 
  • I am prescribed to adderall xr for ADHD (which may explain my excessive rambling...) and I must add I probably wouldn't make it through this fast without it considering it completely suppresses my appetite for most of the day. So I am going to continue to take those meds for the first few days. 
  • Taking Zinc & Biotin Vitamins. I am taking these bc I am actually in beauty school and I am big on healthy hair. When I was researching fasting I seen many things about your hair thinning, that's a big NO NO for me so I am taking Zinc (which helps with hair loss) and Biotin (which promotes healthy hair skin and nails.)
  • Taking One A day Women "Active metabolism". This supplement is a multi-vitamin for women.. since I won't be getting any nutrients from food I gotta get them from something. I went to the store to pick up a plain ole multi-vitamin.. but this one caught my eye bc it supports Metabolism (which is going to slow down from not eating so I figured this might somewhat save it), Physical energy (which I won't have much of without food.. so yeah that's a plus..), Bone strength, and Breast health. Sounded good to me.
  • I also have decided if I feel absolutely drained and need some energy, to have a cup of black coffee. I am allowing the coffee bc when fasting for having blood drawn, they allow black coffee. 
  • Exercising. Not too much considering during the fast you need rest. But in my research I found that keeping a mild energy level is good for you.. so I'm doing a few minutes of P90X 3 nights a week, and a brisk 15 minute walk every night.

    Now with all of that said, here's how day 1 is going.
    DAY 1: 
    Wednesday May 18, 2011
    It is actually going well right now. It's 3:17 P.M. and I've had about 3 bottles of water. Thanks to my adderall I've had no hunger pains, but I am a bit light-headed. 

    So That's what I'm doing and I will post again soon to let you know of my progress, wish me luck!